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SQL Server

A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the SQL Server Reporting Services

Reporting Services will not start.

In SQL SERVER Configuration Manager, the service is shown as stopped.

The event viewer shows the below error in the windows Logs – system:

A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the SQL Server Reporting Services (MSSQLSERVER) service to connect.

In my environment, the following steps (from http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=884495) resolved the issue.

I created a registry entry using regedit. some notes suggest that this registry entry will already exist – in my case I had to create it.


Name: ServicesPipeTimeout Type:  REG_DWORD Data: The number of milliseconds that you want to give the services to start in

To create this registry entry, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
  2. Locate and then click the following registry subkey:
  3. Right-click Control, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
  4. In the New Value #1 box, type ServicesPipeTimeout, and then press ENTER.
  5. Right-click ServicesPipeTimeout, and then click Modify.
  6. Click Decimal, type the number of milliseconds that you want to  wait until the service times out, and then click OK.
    For example, to wait 60 seconds before the service times out, type 60000.
  7. Quit Registry Editor, and then restart the computer.


About iantreasure

DBA with 25 years experience (SQL Server, Oracle).


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