

This category contains 3 posts

Monitoring Mirroring

I set up a SQL Server 2008 mirror, and – using the monitoring tool – I set thresholds, above which the system should launch warnings. Having no real idea of the data volumes to expect between the mirrored databases, I accepted the default warnings and thresholds – warning if the unsent log exceeds at 1Kb, … Continue reading

Configure DTC for distributed transactions

This post describes how to configure the Distributed Transaction coordinator to allow  distributed transactions. The issue arose developing an SSIS package. The SSIS package consisted of two Execute SQL tasks within the same container. Each task updates a different SQL Server. (fig 1 below). fig 1 – SSIS package Initially, when the container Transaction option … Continue reading

SQL Server 2012 Sequences

Microsoft introduced sequences in SQL Server 2012. These have existed for some time in ORACLE. SQL Servers sequences have some similarities to identity columns. They present a number of opportunities for the developer and DBA. In particular, Microsoft claim performance and manageability improvements. I will examine several aspects of sequences, including performance, re-cycling and the … Continue reading